Join us as we tap into local talent and their expertise with the introduction of the Chamber Master Class.
February 25 - Marketing
1 pm - 5:30 pm at the Nimitz Hotel Ballroom, part of the National Museum of the Pacific War
(Presentation 1 pm - 4:30 pm | Wine reception from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
This session features three highly qualified presenters.
The Bevvy Group, is the dynamic team that produces the Fredericksburg Food & Wine Festival for the Chamber. They will share knowledge in producing and marketing events.
Cathy White of White Cat Marketing will present on AI in marketing—a very relevant topic today.
Ruth Ann Hattori, the Marketing Director for the National Museum of the Pacific War, brings decades of marketing leadership in both B2B and B2C, and will share her expertise in designing effective marketing plans​
April 16 - Non-Profits: Staff Recruitment, Development and Retention
1 pm - 5:30 pm at the Nimitz Hotel Ballroom, part of the National Museum of the Pacific War
(Presentation 1 pm - 4:30 pm | Wine reception from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
When the German immigrants arrived in 1846, they brought with them the German traditions of societies or “Vereins” (in German). Today this tradition continues with over 150 non-profit organizations in our community.
Sharing their expertise in leading non-profits will be Austin Dickson, Executive Director of The Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country, and Mike Hagee former President/CEO of the Admiral Nimitz Foundation.
August 12 - Business Strategies & Tactics
More information to follow soon!
October 7 - Customer Service
More information to follow soon!
Contact Candice Weirich for information about sponsorship at 830-997-5000 or info@fbgtxchamber.org